中文 | 英文 |
淘宝 | Taobao |
店铺 | Store / Shop |
商品 | Product |
详情页 | Product Detail Page |
买家 | Buyer |
卖家 | Seller |
订单 | Order |
购物车 | Shopping Cart |
收藏 | Add to Favorites |
优惠券 | Coupon / Discount Voucher |
促销 | Promotion |
包邮 | Free Shipping |
退款 | Refund |
退货 | Return |
换货 | Exchange |
评价 | Review / Rating |
客服 | Customer Service |
旺旺 | Wangwang (Taobao's messaging platform) |
支付宝 | Alipay (A digital payment and life platform) |
微信支付 | WeChat Pay (Tencent's payment service) |
京东 | JD.com (another major ecommerce platform in China) |
拼多多 | Pinduoduo (PDD, a social ecommerce platform) |
直播购物 | Live Streaming Shopping |
短视频 | Short Video Content |
搜索引擎优化 | Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
关键词 | Keyword |
点击率 | Click Through Rate (CTR) |
转化率 | Conversion Rate |
流量 | Traffic |
访客数 | Unique Visitors |
浏览量 | Page Views |
成交笔数 | Number of Transactions |
客单价 | Average Order Value (AOV) |
复购率 | Repurchase Rate |
库存管理 | Inventory Management |
供应链管理 | Supply Chain Management |
物流服务 | Logistics Services |
快递 | Express Delivery |
仓库 | Warehouse |
分销 | Distribution |
代理 | Agency |
B2B | BusinesstoBusiness |
B2C | BusinesstoConsumer |
C2C | ConsumertoConsumer |
O2O | OnlinetoOffline |
F2F | FactorytoFactory |
Q1: How can I open a Taobao store?
A1: To open a Taobao store, you need to register for an account on the Taobao website, choose the type of store you want to open (individual or enterprise), and follow the registration process which includes providing personal or business information, verifying your identity, and linking it with your bank account. After completing these steps, you can start adding products to your store and begin selling.
Q2: What are some tips for improving SEO on Taobao?
A2: Improving SEO on Taobao involves several strategies such as optimizing product titles with relevant keywords, using highquality images, encouraging customer reviews, maintaining good customer service, and ensuring fast loading times for your product pages. Additionally, participating in Taobao's promotional activities and utilizing their advertising tools can also help increase visibility.
In the everevolving landscape of ecommerce, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Whether you are a seasoned seller or just starting out, understanding these key terms can help you navigate the complexities of online selling platforms like Taobao. Keep learning, adapt to changes, and leverage the power of digital marketing to grow your business. Happy selling!
#Taobao E#Online Shopping Platform#E
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